Tunneling spectroscopy paper on arXiv!


Tunneling Spectroscopy in Superconducting Circuit Lattices
Botao Du, Qihao Guo, Santiago López, Ruichao Ma

We demonstrate tunneling spectroscopy of synthetic quantum matter in superconducting circuit lattices. We measure site-resolved excitation spectra by coupling the lattice to engineered driven-dissipative particle baths that serve as local tunneling probes. Using incoherent particle source and drain, we independently extract quasi-particle and quasi-hole spectra and reconstruct the spatial structure of collective excitations. We perform spectroscopy of a strongly interacting Bose-Hubbard lattice at different densities, observing changes in energy gaps across the superfluid to Mott-insulator transition and the effects of three-body interactions. Our results provide a new toolset for characterizing many-body states in analog quantum simulators.
